New Character Minmin revealed for ARMS

Minmin is an amalgamation of Chinese culture wrapped into a single character in ARMS. She has one arm made of ramen and another arm that can transform into a dragon.

She can not only punch, but kick and throw as well. Kicks can also deflect opponent’s punches. When doing a long charge, her left arm transforms into a dragon that can hold a longer charge.
Very… interesting.

To see Minmin in action, check the video below (around the 3:58 mark, specifically) to watch a battle shown off from today’s Nintendo Direct.

The video also shows off different arm types and attributes. These can be bought at in-game store and can be combined with characters’ own attributes.

ARMS releases exclusively for the Nintendo Switch June 16, 2017.

So, what do you think? Cool new character or goofy new character for an equally goofy game. Or both?